
Showing posts from July, 2021

Industrial Internet of Things - IIoT

What is IoT? IoT is Internet of Things!!! Inter-networking of Things. What are these things? Things are any devices which you can touch physically. OK! Let us understand in exact words. IoT is connecting your physical devices in the network and bring their information on your handhelds or computers in the easy to understand form. Just to get a right feel, here is the simple example. We had always been driving vehicles with a hidden worry whether our vehicles' Tyre pressures are within limits or not. Because it's a threat if suddenly Tyre temperature shoots up or it gets punctured it may lead to accidents. What if we can be notified on our mobiles about this major change in Tyre pressure? That's IoT!!! Vehicle's Tyre act as Things i.e. Physical devices. And their parameters like temperature, pressure can be seen and notified on our mobiles.  This world where the information about Things is read from sensors or controllers connected to physical things and data